Welcome back, listeners, to The TRUE ALIEN PODCAST! Buckle up because today, we're diving deep into a story that'll leave you wondering if those childhood tales of little green men might be a little too close to reality. This is the story of Woolpit, a sleepy English village with a centuries-old secret – the legend of the Green Children. But what happens when legend becomes terrifying reality?
We meet Lucas Pierce, our resident "village loony," obsessed with the local folklore of the Green Children emerging from a hidden underground world. His world gets turned upside down with the arrival of Dr. Karen Mikhailov, an archaeologist on the hunt for something far more significant than career advancement. She's after the truth behind the legend, a truth buried beneath the village church in the form of a very unusual skeleton. What she uncovers is a strange metal artifact, a piece of alien tech that attracts some VERY unwanted attention.
Suddenly, Karen and Lucas are on the run from a shadowy cabal obsessed with immortality and alien technology. Think Men in Black, but with worse haircuts and probably less charming personalities. They seek refuge with a paranoid but brilliant ex-colleague of Karen's, Professor Viktor Orlov, hiding out in a remote Scottish cottage.
Their only hope lies in deciphering the mysterious Woolpit text, a medieval chronicle supposedly written in the Green Children's alien language. Turns out, it’s not just a story; it’s a warning. The Green Children weren’t just some random anomaly, they were the first wave… but of what?
Their investigation is cut short when the cabal catches up to them, forcing a desperate escape back to Woolpit. It all comes down to a final showdown beneath the village, in a hidden chamber that might hold the key to… well, everything. The artifact activates, opening a portal to the Green Children’s world, a "twilight" realm more beautiful and terrifying than anything Lucas could have imagined.
He steps through, leaving Karen and Viktor to face the cabal, and finds himself in an alien world on the brink of disaster. But wait… is he there to save humanity, or doom it? Find out next time on The TRUE ALIEN PODCAST: ADDICTIVE UFO STORIES